
Lisa's Blog

The latest insights and ponderings on issues facing modern parents and tips for finding peace.

Real World Peaceful Parenting Lisa Smith | When Anger Comes Up: Real Time Parenting with Dina

Ep #135: When Anger Comes Up: Real Time Parenting with Dina

As parents, we are bound to feel angry at times. This week, we talk about real-world moments of anger with my guest, Dina. By looking deeply at our experiences, we can learn to set ourselves up for success next time. Dina is a champion of The Hive; she has been a member for 2 years...
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Real World Peaceful Parenting Lisa Smith | Why Raising “Successful Kids” Is Not the Point with Kiva Schuler

Ep #134: Why Raising “Successful Kids” Is Not the Point with Kiva Schuler

Are you worried about your child finding success? Let me stop you right there. Raising kids to be good, perfect, or successful will not set them up for a healthy, independent life. This week, I talk about “successful kids” with one of my favorite leaders in the parenting landscape: Kiva Schuler. Kiva is the founder...
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Real World Peaceful Parenting Lisa Smith | 3 Ways to Suck at Parenting

Ep #133: 3 Ways to Suck at Parenting

I’ve been having conversations with my clients lately about the unrealistic expectations we place on ourselves as parents. It’s like when we expect ourselves to be the very best at every single subject in school, or every single sport out there. It’s impossible, right? But some of us are still running ourselves ragged trying to...
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Real World Peaceful Parenting Lisa Smith | Get Some Sleep with Brandon Reed

Ep #132: Get Some Sleep with Brandon Reed

Sleepless nights can bring out the worst in our parenting. Scientifically, we all know how important sleep is for overall health, and this is especially true for our children. In my conversation this week with Brandon Reed, we talk about self-soothing techniques, what wakes babies at night, and the importance of sleep hygiene. When Brandon’s...
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Real World Peaceful Parenting Lisa Smith | How to Model Anger for Your Kids Part 2

Ep #131: How to Model Anger for Your Kids Part 2

Anger is always accompanied by another emotion. Both reactive anger and “sunshine thinking” are methods of suppressing the emotions that lie underneath. By taking the time to understand our own experience, we are able to regulate ourselves for our children when they are in need. This week, I share part two of my two-part series:...
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