Take a moment to fill in the blank…honestly
I want my child to be ________!
Maybe more calm?
More gentle?
More assertive?
Less emotional?
More creative?
My instagram post (https://www.instagram.com/the_peaceful_parent/) today says…
You cannot expect to raise calm and gentle kids, if you are not! (Author unknown)
A friend recently shared this wisdom with me.
And it hit me like a ton of bricks and since then I have been observing my own parenting and those around me.
Currently I am on vacation at a beautiful, family-friendly tropical resort. Lots of families and kids of all ages!
This concept has become even more obvious to me as I look around (with truly no judgment!). I see a calm mom walking with 3 kids under 5..all calmly walking. I see a loud mom and dad with 3 girls all laughing loudly and really enjoying themselves. I see an extended family of high energy people and the tweens following suit.
I know in my own family this is also true!
My hubby and I each have an intensity that is often off the charts! We are intensity experts!
Our own boy….extremely intense with this feelings, wants and goals! I see this so clearly now!
Our biggest challenges as a family? When his intensity meets my intensity. Shazam! Kapow! Fireworks!
As I look ahead to 2017, I ask myself what new emotions or energies can I introduce to him, not by my words but by my actions.
See how this work?
Ok now your homework? Simply fill in the blanks…
If I want my child to be ______, I must show him __________.
I’d love to hear your answers! Together we can all grow!
I look forward to being your guide toward peaceful parenting.