
Lisa's Blog

The latest insights and ponderings on issues facing modern parents and tips for finding peace.

Real World Peaceful Parenting Lisa Smith | Parenting Without Punishment: Guiding Your Child

Ep #125: Parenting Without Punishment: Guiding Your Child

Today’s podcast is part two of my Stop Punishing, Start Guiding Series. We want our children to be able to create decisions from a calm, regulated state. When you set limits, it helps your child feel supported and also encourages the development of an internal compass.  Having limits in place upfront allows you to act...
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Real World Peaceful Parenting Lisa Smith | Parenting Without Punishment: Setting Limits

Ep #124: Parenting Without Punishment: Setting Limits

Peaceful Parenting revolves around connection, not punishment. Punishment creates a power struggle that breaks trust and erodes relationships. Instead of promoting support, it emphasizes obedience. When we establish supportive systems, both we and our children can learn more effectively. When punishment is employed, the original lesson often gets lost, particularly with strong-willed children, as their...
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Real World Peaceful Parenting Lisa Smith | Stop Punishing, Start Connecting

Ep #123: Stop Punishing, Start Connecting

Research has shown that the more you resort to punishment, the less likely your child will want to cooperate. The only way we can encourage change in our children is by building trust. Without trust, your child feels wronged, which leads to lashing out and long-term behavioral patterns. Raising emotionally grounded adults is a journey;...
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Real World Peaceful Parenting Lisa Smith | How to Course Correct Your Parenting Mindset

Ep #122: How to Course Correct Your Parenting Mindset

Do you find yourself thinking that you have to be on the lookout, believing the worst, or looking for an ulterior motive in your child’s actions? When we believe we are going to catch our children at their worst, that is what we train our brains to see. Encouraging our children to be seen, heard,...
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Real World Peaceful Parenting Lisa Smith | Why You’re the Best Authority on Your Family

Ep #121: Why You’re the Best Authority on Your Family

If you listen to me every week, you may be a person who cares a lot about being a “good” parent and seeks all the expert advice you can on parenting. You may also feel overwhelmed by all the information, advice, and parenting how-tos out there. While seeking out expert advice is good, I often...
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