
Lisa's Blog

The latest insights and ponderings on issues facing modern parents and tips for finding peace.


Do THIS if you want to say goodbye to mom guilt!

A friend of mine posted this on her Facebook page… “I totally screwed up as a mom this morning and the mom guilt is killing me. The pressure of a constantly traveling husband, an upcoming move, and other everyday stuff was building and I didn’t notice how bad it had become. I should have known...
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screen time child iPhone

‘Can’t I just finish this level, mom?’

My son, Malcolm, had more screen time over the holidays than usual. Your kids too? This isn’t shared as some sort of guilty confession. It’s just the truth of it. It’s not unusual. There are not the same number of commitments, and there’s all that time at home together. The usual time on the gaming...
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He/She Shouldn’t Want That! (Holiday Triggers)

In one of my recent Peaceful Parenting Academy course classes, I shared a story about the son of a client who kept asking for shoes. He had eight pairs of shoes in his wardrobe, and he kept asking for shoes. They would be in the store, and he would beg his mom to get him...
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They should behave, they’re not behaving, RIGHT!

Have you got some RULES in your head about what is ‘the right’ kind of behaviour for a ‘responsible parent’ who’s bringing up a good kid? Can you picture how they deal with their kid when the kid is acting up / not listening / won’t get off xbox / talks back? Maybe you have...
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How do you want your kids to remember you?

Last week I wrote about a couple of parenting concepts and how I thought they related to the story in the film ‘Finding Nemo.’ If you missed that you can find it HERE.Have you seen the Pixar film, ‘Coco’, that was released by Disney? Isn’t it funny how us moms know all the plots of the kid’s...
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