

The exact methods and step-by-step strategies Lisa used to transform from an angry, controlling mom into a calm, confident, and connected leader in her home.

Real World Peaceful Parenting with Lisa Smith | Tiny Tweaks, Huge Transformations: Peaceful Parenting On the Go

Ep #185: Tiny Tweaks, Huge Transformations: Peaceful Parenting On the Go

Summer is here, and for many of you, that means travel planning. I know firsthand that vacationing with kids can feel like navigating a stormy sea. If you’re envisioning a trip filled with tantrums, exhaustion, and moments far from picture-perfect, you are not alone. Last summer, my son Malcolm and I embarked on a London...
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Real World Peaceful Parenting with Lisa Smith | The Secret to Calming Down Your Kids In Any Situation

Ep #184: The Secret to Calming Down Your Kids In Any Situation

How often do you find yourself trying to reason with your kids or expecting them to follow instructions when they’re upset? Why does it never work, and in fact, usually seems to make the storming worse?  Connect THEN Redirect is a practice that entails acknowledging your kids’ feelings, showing them empathy, and validating their experiences....
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Real World Peaceful Parenting with Lisa Smith | Transform Your Family with the New Respect Revolution!

Ep #183: Transform Your Family with the New Respect Revolution!

Have you ever thought or said to your kids, “You’re so disrespectful?” I’ll admit that this was my go-to script before I found peaceful parenting. Perhaps your parents demanded blind obedience, or you weren’t allowed to have an opinion or challenge authority as a child, and now you expect the same from your kids. The...
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Real World Peaceful Parenting with Lisa Smith | Unlock the Secret to Managing Your Child’s Big Emotions—It’s Easier Than You Think!

Ep #182: Unlock the Secret to Managing Your Child’s Big Emotions—It’s Easier Than You Think!

Summer is here, which means school is out. With changes in routine, diet, sleep schedules, and the potential for either increased boredom or overstimulation, emotions tend to run high. And if you have a strong-willed child, you know all too well when they’re experiencing big emotions.  If you’re locked into the thought that your child...
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Real World Peaceful Parenting with Lisa Smith | Stop the Cycle: How to Disrupt Unhealthy Patterns in Your Family

Ep #181: Stop the Cycle: How to Disrupt Unhealthy Patterns in Your Family

Our traits, behaviors, and beliefs are hugely influenced by the many generations that have come before us. The multi-generational patterns that are formed by your family’s culture, history, and trauma all reinforce a certain way of being. But what do you do if you recognize behavioral patterns that you don’t want to repeat and pass...
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Real World Peaceful Parenting with Lisa Smith | Discover Your Parenting Village: Transform Chaos into Calm

Ep #180: Discover Your Parenting Village: Transform Chaos into Calm

In our year of self-regulation, what I know for sure is that the more regulated you are when things go wrong or your kids are storming, the more you can guide, teach, and support them. The best way to show up for your kids in this way is to have support yourself, but do you...
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Real World Peaceful Parenting with Lisa Smith | The Truth About How Your Words Affect Your Child’s Future

Ep #179: The Truth About How Your Words Affect Your Child’s Future

Have you ever stopped to consider how powerful your words are? The words we speak to our children play a critical role in shaping their internal voice: their self-esteem, their self-confidence, and their self-perception as a whole. Your kids pick up on a deeper meaning in your words from an early age, and those words...
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Real World Peaceful Parenting with Lisa Smith | Stop Losing Your Cool: How to Tame Your Triggers as a Parent

Ep #178: Stop Losing Your Cool: How to Tame Your Triggers as a Parent

We spend so much time decoding our children’s meltdowns and storms, but what about our own? As parents, we become experts in our child’s triggers, but our own can be more difficult to pinpoint. The reality is that our triggers usually ignite our children’s triggers, which can lead to the both of us storming alongside...
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Real World Peaceful Parenting with Lisa Smith | The Self-Regulation Tool All Parents Need: Connect Then Redirect

Ep #177: The Self-Regulation Tool All Parents Need: Connect Then Redirect

Parenting is full of joys and challenges. Your ability to remain calm, composed, and in control of your own emotions can significantly impact your children’s development and your family dynamics. In continuation of our exploration of self-regulation in 2024, I’m giving you a tool I want you to remember, practice, and use often. Offering your...
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Real World Peaceful Parenting with Lisa Smith | Want Calm Kids? Co-Regulation is the Answer

Ep #176: Want Calm Kids? Co-Regulation is the Answer

Have you ever noticed how calm you feel, simply by being in the presence of a calm person? On the flip side, have you noticed how one person’s panic can quickly become your panic too? Calmness isn’t just an attitude. It’s a mindset that emanates confidence and allows for self-regulation. Practicing self-regulation is challenging, even...
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Real World Peaceful Parenting with Lisa Smith | Resentment: The Secret Poison in Relationships

Ep #175: Resentment: The Secret Poison in Relationships

Have you ever noticed your child or teen harboring feelings of resentment? Whether it’s towards siblings, friends, or situations they perceive as unfair, resentment is a heavy burden to carry at any age.  As parents, I know you find it difficult to manage, accept, and parent resentment when it shows up. Many of us have...
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Real World Peaceful Parenting with Lisa Smith | Become the Parent Your Child Wants to Turn To

Ep #174: Become the Parent Your Child Wants to Turn To

Today, we’re tackling a fundamental aspect of nurturing healthy relationships with our children: building trust. Trust is the cornerstone of a strong parent-child bond, but it doesn’t just naturally happen. One amazing way you can lay the groundwork for lifelong trust is by cultivating compassion. When you were growing up and life threw you a...
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