

The exact methods and step-by-step strategies Lisa used to transform from an angry, controlling mom into a calm, confident, and connected leader in her home.

Real World Peaceful Parenting with Lisa Smith | Parent Coaching Transformations: A Dad’s Perspective

Ep #149: Parent Coaching Transformations: A Dad’s Perspective

If you’ve been considering parent coaching but wonder what the experience is like and whether you really need it, you’re in luck. My guest today is a client from inside The Hive, and he’s joining us to share the specific ways parent coaching has changed his relationship to fatherhood. Neil is a stay-at-home dad of...
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Real World Peaceful Parenting with Lisa Smith | The Difference Between Love and Connection

Ep #148: The Difference Between Love and Connection

I know you love your children, there’s no question about that. But sometimes as parents, it’s easy to assume that because we love our children so much, our level of connection with them is equally strong. In reality, these are two very different things. Deep parental love is being willing to lay down your life...
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Real World Peaceful Parenting Lisa Smith | How Parent Coaching Works

Ep #147: How Parent Coaching Works

How does parent coaching create connection, and what tools do we use to help you become the best parent you can be? I have a guest on the show who has experienced the deep power of transformational parent coaching. She has been on a continuous journey of self-growth as a mom, and while she has...
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Real World Peaceful Parenting Lisa Smith | How to Find Common Ground in Different Parenting Styles

Ep #146: How to Find Common Ground in Different Parenting Styles

Coming up against differences in parenting styles is a common challenge that many people experience, myself included. I’ve been co-parenting with my husband for 19 years, and we still occasionally struggle to find common ground in our approaches. However, there are practical strategies we can lean on to foster deeper understanding in these moments. This...
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Real World Peaceful Parenting Lisa Smith | When Your Kid Gets Stuck, Do This!

Ep #145: When Your Kid Gets Stuck, Do This!

We all want to feel comfortable with a peaceful approach to parenting. However, sometimes our brain knows we’re on the right path, but it doesn’t feel like it’s working. We want to be the parents we wish we’d had, and that can open up some childhood wounds and trauma. One way this happens is through...
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Real World Peaceful Parenting Lisa Smith | 2 for 1 Parenting Lessons: Micro-Changes & Undivided Attention

Ep #144: 2 for 1 Parenting Lessons: Micro-Changes & Undivided Attention

The beauty of coaching (and being coached) is receiving feedback from a neutral party, someone who can really open your eyes. In this week’s episode, I’m excited to share not one, but TWO lessons that came out of a recent coaching call. It’s a BOGO, y’all. The first of these tackles the concept of micro-changes...
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Real World Peaceful Parenting Lisa Smith | You Are NOT Your Parents

Ep #143: You Are NOT Your Parents

Let’s talk about dominant parenting. We don’t want our kids growing up the way we felt when we were growing up. Many of us, myself included, were raised by at least one dominant parent. We can easily recall hearing statements like, “Go ahead and cry…” or, “I don’t want to hear what you have to...
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Real World Peaceful Parenting Lisa Smith | How to Use Rules to Create Connection with Your Kids

Ep #142: How to Use Rules to Create Connection with Your Kids

Do you feel like you’re on the struggle bus when it comes to setting and enforcing rules in your household? Are you getting pushback and resistance from your kids? Is it possible to set rules while enjoying the experience of parenting and maybe even create connection with your kids in the process? I know it...
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Real World Peaceful Parenting Lisa Smith | Body Image Q&A for Parents

Ep #141: Body Image Q&A for Parents

Last week, we had an amazing episode with Corinne Crabtree all about parenting for a positive body image. This week, I’m joined by a wonderful guest who is currently in the middle of this work, changing her own paradigms when it comes to body neutrality and parenting her kids through the same experience. Hannah is...
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Real World Peaceful Parenting Lisa Smith | Parenting for Positive Body Thoughts with Corinne Crabtree

Ep #140: Parenting for Positive Body Thoughts with Corinne Crabtree

Do you have an opinion about your child’s body being too big or too small? Or do you have negative thoughts about your own body? As you’ll hear this week, the way we think about and speak about our own body impacts the way our children think and speak about theirs. So, how can we...
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Real World Peaceful Parenting Lisa Smith | Go the Distance When Holding the Limits

Ep #139: Go the Distance When Holding the Limits

Have you ever tried to break down your limits with your child during one of their storms? Yes? Well, let me stop you right there. Is during a storm really the best time to connect? Do you need to connect in that way? This week, I make space for all the different ways we can...
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Real World Peaceful Parenting Lisa Smith | Elevate Your Parenting: Inside The Hive Membership

Ep #138: Elevate Your Parenting: Inside The Hive Membership

This week, Hannah, a longtime Hive Member, is *mic-drop* interviewing me! We are turning the tables to discuss all things Hive, my parent coaching community. For those of you who are new here: Hello! My name is Lisa Smith, I am the master-certified parent coach behind the Real World Peaceful Parenting Podcast and The Hive...
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