
Lisa's Blog

The latest insights and ponderings on issues facing modern parents and tips for finding peace.

Real World Peaceful Parenting with Lisa Smith | Respect and Parenting: Busting the Illusion

Ep #43: Respect and Parenting: Busting the Illusion

I used to think that my son was so disrespectful. I had an idea of how he should behave, and when he didn’t do what I wanted, I labeled him disrespectful. And I know that so many of my clients do the same. So if you feel your child doesn’t respect you, you’re not alone....
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Real World Peaceful Parenting with Lisa Smith | Big Feelings: 3 Steps to Hold Space for Yourself and Your Child

Ep #42: Big Feelings: 3 Steps to Hold Space for Yourself and Your Child

Feelings and parenting. When I talk about big, loud feelings, what comes up for you? For some of you, just the thought of talking about feelings is wildly uncomfortable, especially when it comes to parenting. Whether your kid wants a cookie and you’ve said no, or they are nervous about sports tryouts or apprehensive about...
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Real World Peaceful Parenting with Lisa Smith | Is the Lego War Over? Real World Coaching Follow Up with Lyra

Ep #41: Is the Lego War Over? Real World Coaching Follow Up with Lyra

I love it when you get to the end of a romance novel, and there’s an epilogue: a short chapter where they tell you what happened to the couple after the story ends. Well, this week, I’ve got an epilogue of my own to share with you. In Episode 39, I gave you a front-row...
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Real World Peaceful Parenting with Lisa Smith | I Want My Child to Be…

Ep #40: I Want My Child to Be…

We all want our kids to be a little more or a little less of something. It’s completely normal. So, I’m asking you to fill in the blank: “I want My Child to Be…” Now, when you have your answer, I want you to really consider whether you’re modeling the behavior that you want to...
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Real World Peaceful Parenting with Lisa Smith | The Lego War: Real World Coaching with Lyra

Ep #39: The Lego War: Real World Coaching with Lyra

You are in for a real treat this week because I’m taking things to a whole new level. I’m bringing you a Real World Peaceful Parenting coaching session, with the wonderful Lyra. Lyra is a member of The Hive and a mom of three adorable little boys. But Lyra needs some coaching on a topic...
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