
Lisa's Blog

The latest insights and ponderings on issues facing modern parents and tips for finding peace.


A Peaceful Parenting Secret Revealed

I’d like to let you in on a secret…. Your child’s behavior has nothing to do with YOU! It is a language they are speaking to you, to themselves, and to the world. They are saying I am trying to get my needs met and I need H E L P ! Ross Greene, Ph.D....
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Cell phone issues with your kids?

Setting cellphone limits for our kids is easy and hard at the same time. We want to give our kids some independence but at the same time, they have under-developed brains and need guidance and help setting boundaries. So how do we strike the balance in this day and age, especially when cellphones are an...
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Tell Your Kids “WHY”

Let’s talk about family values. We all have them and most of us kind of know what they are (at least in theory). We kind of have sense of what we believe in and the kind of people we’d like our kids to be. Family values can be defined as what you stand for, what...
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Get Curious Not Furious 👇

The Secret to Navigating Your Child’s Bad Behavior is…“Get curious, not furious.” When I say it to the parents I coach, especially ones who find themselves distraught after another angry bout with their children, it’s an aha moment. If you are a parent to a high-spirited child, you know how rewarding it can be to...
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How Peaceful Parenting can solve Hate & Division

I was recently asked why I chose to be a parent coach. Initially, my biggest reason was for my own benefit. As a former dominant parent of a still very strong willed child, I realized I needed, no make that wanted, to parent differently. After my own amazing transformation in my family, I realized I...
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