
Lisa's Blog

The latest insights and ponderings on issues facing modern parents and tips for finding peace.

Real World Peaceful Parenting Lisa Smith | The 3 Step Process to Move from Reactive Parenting to Responsive Parenting

Ep #110: The 3 Step Process to Move from Reactive Parenting to Responsive Parenting

I work with so many parents who have reached a point on their peaceful parenting journey where they can recognize the moments of frustration that are tripping them up and leaving them feeling stuck in anger and dysregulation, as they storm right alongside their kids. There is a right time and a wrong time to...
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Real World Peaceful Parenting Lisa Smith | Breaking the Cycle of Dominant Parenting and Why It’s Important

Ep #109: Breaking the Cycle of Dominant Parenting and Why It’s Important

Do you ever feel trapped in the cycle of resorting to physical and verbal punishment when your kids’ behavior pushes you to your limit? Do you feel like you are at the end of your rope with no option to deal with your kids other than to yell? If this sounds familiar and you want...
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Real World Peaceful Parenting with Lisa Smith | Why You Shouldn’t Try to Fix Your Children’s Problems

Ep #108: Why You Shouldn’t Try to Fix Your Children’s Problems

Witnessing your child in pain is one of the hardest things you can experience as a parent. You might think it’s your job as a parent to fix all their problems, fight all their battles, or soothe all their heartaches, and it’s natural to want to rescue your kids from their suffering. But this week,...
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Real World Peaceful Parenting with Lisa Smith | The Peaceful Parenting Revolution with Kiva Schuler from the Jai Institute for Parenting

Ep #107: The Peaceful Parenting Revolution with Kiva Schuler from the Jai Institute for Parenting

Many parents want to parent peacefully. They dream of parenting differently than how they were parented or are parenting right now, but they don’t know how. We are raising ourselves alongside our children, which can often feel difficult and isolating. But there are people out there to help and support you in your journey. I...
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Real World Peaceful Parenting with Lisa Smith | How to Stop People-Pleasing: Leveling Up as a Parent

Ep #106: How to Stop People-Pleasing: Leveling Up as a Parent

Do you often feel pressured to do things right in the eyes of others? Do you parent in a way that tries to avoid the judgment of other parents? Do you feel pressured never to make mistakes? This is likely because you were raised as a people-pleaser. But your worth and value are not dependent...
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