
Lisa's Blog

The latest insights and ponderings on issues facing modern parents and tips for finding peace.

Real World Peaceful Parenting with Lisa Smith | Stop Catastrophizing, Start Connecting!

Ep #95: Stop Catastrophizing, Start Connecting!

Do you worry constantly about things that your children are doing or not doing? Do you identify as a run-of-the-mill worrier, an expert one, or the ultimate catastrophizer? I used to identify as the ultimate catastrophizer. I would worry constantly about what my son was doing or not doing, and the result was me trying...
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Real World Peaceful Parenting with Lisa Smith | How to Start Feeling More Rested and Recharged as a Busy Parent

Ep #94: How to Start Feeling More Rested and Recharged as a Busy Parent

Parenting can be exhausting, right? There is always so much to do and get done, and it feels like there is a never-ending to-do list we have to contend with. With constant permission slips to sign, laundry to do, lunches to make – let alone working and trying to stay in touch with people –...
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Real World Peaceful Parenting with Lisa Smith | Connection is NOT a Reward. Here’s Why…

Ep #93: Connection is NOT a Reward. Here’s Why…

How often do you use connection as a reward to get what you want from your kids? Connection is not a reward we give our children when they do something our way, when they behave, are compliant, or do what we asked the first time. It is something that we should give through the good,...
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Real World Peaceful Parenting with Lisa Smith | 8 Tools to Help You When Your Teenager Wants More Freedom

Ep #92: 8 Tools to Help You When Your Teenager Wants More Freedom

Around the age of 12, many kids start to show a great need for autonomy. Your sweet little one that has always functioned somewhat comfortably in your protective shadow might suddenly want to make all the decisions and choices on their own, and be in control of everything they think, feel and do. It can...
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Real World Peaceful Parenting with Lisa Smith | Busting the Myth: You DON’T Need to Parent from a United Front

Ep #91: Busting the Myth: You DON’T Need to Parent from a United Front

So many parents have a limiting belief that in order for their children to learn and practice the family values and to grow up as responsible, kind, hardworking contributors to society, they both have to approach every lesson and situation with the same beliefs, goals, and tactics. They believe that they have to agree on...
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