
Lisa's Blog

The latest insights and ponderings on issues facing modern parents and tips for finding peace.

Getting Comfortable with Being Uncomfortable

Ep #5: Getting Comfortable with Being Uncomfortable

Our kids are on a journey to understand the world, the people around them, and their feelings and needs. When they don’t know how to communicate their emotions, it can lead to what I call storming – outbursts of big emotions in the form of yelling, crying, melting down, and generally giving us a hard...
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A Parent's Greatest Tool

Ep #4: A Parent’s Greatest Tool

Becoming a peaceful parent doesn’t happen overnight, it takes practice to implement new tools and a new way of parenting. This week, I’m sharing the greatest tool a parent can have to help you harness deep connection with your kids. Like any other relationship, the parent-child relationship requires continuous care and connection. One of my...
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The Pledge: The Most Important Work You Can Do

Ep #3: The Pledge: The Most Important Work You Can Do

I have come to realize over time that to create a deep connection with our kids and peace in the home, we have to engage in peaceful parenting as a practice. Not something that we do occasionally, or on and off as and when we need it, but constantly, just like we would with any...
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How to Listen to Your Kids So It Makes a Difference

Ep #2: How to Listen to Your Kids So It Makes a Difference

Welcome back to the podcast, it’s great to be here with you this week! Let me ask you, how often do you listen to your kids – like truly listen? This week, I’m sharing a magic tool to help you connect with your children, and it is going to be a gamechanger for your parenting!...
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How to Become a Peaceful Parent

Ep #1: How to Become a Peaceful Parent

Welcome to the Real World Peaceful Parenting podcast, I’m so happy to have you joining me today! If you’re feeling stressed, frustrated, and like you didn’t get the memo that everybody else seems to have gotten when it comes to parenting, this podcast is for you! Parenting doesn’t come with a manual, but it’s never...
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