
Lisa's Blog

The latest insights and ponderings on issues facing modern parents and tips for finding peace.


Get Curious Not Furious 👇

The Secret to Navigating Your Child’s Bad Behavior is…“Get curious, not furious.” When I say it to the parents I coach, especially ones who find themselves distraught after another angry bout with their children, it’s an aha moment. If you are a parent to a high-spirited child, you know how rewarding it can be to...
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How Peaceful Parenting can solve Hate & Division

I was recently asked why I chose to be a parent coach. Initially, my biggest reason was for my own benefit. As a former dominant parent of a still very strong willed child, I realized I needed, no make that wanted, to parent differently. After my own amazing transformation in my family, I realized I...
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Get comfortable with the uncomfortable  

Parenting is not easy and parenting strong-willed children is a special treat all its own 😉 This weekend we had a huge storm in our house. I mean a really, really big storm with our son and many parts of it are still too tender to talk about. I refer to our kids’ big behaviors...
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I See You & You Are Not Alone

I want you to know I see you with no judgement or shame, just PURE LOVE! I know how much you love your kid(s) and yet I so appreciate how REAL the struggle is to RAISE a strong willed child. It is exhausting and at times painful and often frustrating. I know that at times...
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👇 Read this to Stress Less this Summer👇

Are you already feeling the anxiety of summer and too much free time on your kid’s hands? Is the lack of structure creating tension in your home? I wanted to share with you another message I received from my one of my clients. From my client: Lisa, I’m at my wits end…and it’s only the...
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