

The exact methods and step-by-step strategies Lisa used to transform from an angry, controlling mom into a calm, confident, and connected leader in her home.

Real World Peaceful Parenting Lisa Smith | Why Raising “Successful Kids” Is Not the Point with Kiva Schuler

Ep #134: Why Raising “Successful Kids” Is Not the Point with Kiva Schuler

Are you worried about your child finding success? Let me stop you right there. Raising kids to be good, perfect, or successful will not set them up for a healthy, independent life. This week, I talk about “successful kids” with one of my favorite leaders in the parenting landscape: Kiva Schuler. Kiva is the founder...
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Real World Peaceful Parenting Lisa Smith | 3 Ways to Suck at Parenting

Ep #133: 3 Ways to Suck at Parenting

I’ve been having conversations with my clients lately about the unrealistic expectations we place on ourselves as parents. It’s like when we expect ourselves to be the very best at every single subject in school, or every single sport out there. It’s impossible, right? But some of us are still running ourselves ragged trying to...
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Real World Peaceful Parenting Lisa Smith | Get Some Sleep with Brandon Reed

Ep #132: Get Some Sleep with Brandon Reed

Sleepless nights can bring out the worst in our parenting. Scientifically, we all know how important sleep is for overall health, and this is especially true for our children. In my conversation this week with Brandon Reed, we talk about self-soothing techniques, what wakes babies at night, and the importance of sleep hygiene. When Brandon’s...
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Real World Peaceful Parenting Lisa Smith | How to Model Anger for Your Kids Part 2

Ep #131: How to Model Anger for Your Kids Part 2

Anger is always accompanied by another emotion. Both reactive anger and “sunshine thinking” are methods of suppressing the emotions that lie underneath. By taking the time to understand our own experience, we are able to regulate ourselves for our children when they are in need. This week, I share part two of my two-part series:...
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Real World Peaceful Parenting Lisa Smith | Anger Can Be Your Gift Part 1

Ep #130: Anger Can Be Your Gift Part 1

Welcome to part one of my two-week series: Anger Can Be Your Gift. This may be a huge shock to you, but there is no need to shame yourself into infinity when you experience moments of frustration and anger. You can leverage those moments and use anger as a tool. Anger is our body’s master identifier....
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Real World Peaceful Parenting Lisa Smith | How to Enforce Limits with Calm, Confidence, and a Peaceful Authority!

Ep #129: How to Enforce Limits with Calm, Confidence, and a Peaceful Authority!

It is challenging to enforce limits when our kids insist on gaming for an extra hour, staying up late, or exceeding agreed-upon phone usage. Even I struggle with it, as it’s tough to calmly uphold boundaries when our children push back. However, I know that when limits are peacefully enforced, they are effective. I now...
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Real World Peaceful Parenting Lisa Smith | Is Fear of Conflict Getting in the Way of Peacefully Setting Limits with Your Kids?

Ep #128: Is Fear of Conflict Getting in the Way of Peacefully Setting Limits with Your Kids?

Are you nervous about setting limits with your child? Or do you actively find yourself undermining the limits you set when faced with challenges? And here’s the big one: do you actively avoid conflict? This week, we break down four roadblocks that prevent my Hive Members from setting and enforcing limits with their children. We...
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Real World Peaceful Parenting Lisa Smith | Why Multitasking and Peaceful Parenting Don’t Mix

Ep #127: Why Multitasking and Peaceful Parenting Don’t Mix

Did you know that your child’s brain isn’t physically capable of multitasking? If your son is reading a book on the couch, and you yell from the other room to tell him to put his shoes on, he likely won’t hear you. His brain does not have the executive functioning ability to multitask, and he...
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Real World Peaceful Parenting Lisa Smith | What Co-Regulation with Your Kids Looks Like

Ep #126: What Co-Regulation with Your Kids Looks Like

No amount of hard work can make your child perfect. Here at Real World Peaceful Parenting, we celebrate children, meet them where they are in their brain development, and encourage parents to co-regulate with their children. Hannah joins us today. She is a mother of 4 small children and a member of our Hive, and...
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Real World Peaceful Parenting Lisa Smith | Parenting Without Punishment: Guiding Your Child

Ep #125: Parenting Without Punishment: Guiding Your Child

Today’s podcast is part two of my Stop Punishing, Start Guiding Series. We want our children to be able to create decisions from a calm, regulated state. When you set limits, it helps your child feel supported and also encourages the development of an internal compass.  Having limits in place upfront allows you to act...
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Real World Peaceful Parenting Lisa Smith | Parenting Without Punishment: Setting Limits

Ep #124: Parenting Without Punishment: Setting Limits

Peaceful Parenting revolves around connection, not punishment. Punishment creates a power struggle that breaks trust and erodes relationships. Instead of promoting support, it emphasizes obedience. When we establish supportive systems, both we and our children can learn more effectively. When punishment is employed, the original lesson often gets lost, particularly with strong-willed children, as their...
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Real World Peaceful Parenting Lisa Smith | Stop Punishing, Start Connecting

Ep #123: Stop Punishing, Start Connecting

Research has shown that the more you resort to punishment, the less likely your child will want to cooperate. The only way we can encourage change in our children is by building trust. Without trust, your child feels wronged, which leads to lashing out and long-term behavioral patterns. Raising emotionally grounded adults is a journey;...
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