

The exact methods and step-by-step strategies Lisa used to transform from an angry, controlling mom into a calm, confident, and connected leader in her home.

Real World Peaceful Parenting Lisa Smith | Is Fear of Conflict Getting in the Way of Peacefully Setting Limits with Your Kids?

Ep #128: Is Fear of Conflict Getting in the Way of Peacefully Setting Limits with Your Kids?

Are you nervous about setting limits with your child? Or do you actively find yourself undermining the limits you set when faced with challenges? And here’s the big one: do you actively avoid conflict? This week, we break down four roadblocks that prevent my Hive Members from setting and enforcing limits with their children. We...
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Real World Peaceful Parenting Lisa Smith | Why Multitasking and Peaceful Parenting Don’t Mix

Ep #127: Why Multitasking and Peaceful Parenting Don’t Mix

Did you know that your child’s brain isn’t physically capable of multitasking? If your son is reading a book on the couch, and you yell from the other room to tell him to put his shoes on, he likely won’t hear you. His brain does not have the executive functioning ability to multitask, and he...
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Real World Peaceful Parenting Lisa Smith | What Co-Regulation with Your Kids Looks Like

Ep #126: What Co-Regulation with Your Kids Looks Like

No amount of hard work can make your child perfect. Here at Real World Peaceful Parenting, we celebrate children, meet them where they are in their brain development, and encourage parents to co-regulate with their children. Hannah joins us today. She is a mother of 4 small children and a member of our Hive, and...
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Real World Peaceful Parenting Lisa Smith | Parenting Without Punishment: Guiding Your Child

Ep #125: Parenting Without Punishment: Guiding Your Child

Today’s podcast is part two of my Stop Punishing, Start Guiding Series. We want our children to be able to create decisions from a calm, regulated state. When you set limits, it helps your child feel supported and also encourages the development of an internal compass.  Having limits in place upfront allows you to act...
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Real World Peaceful Parenting Lisa Smith | Parenting Without Punishment: Setting Limits

Ep #124: Parenting Without Punishment: Setting Limits

Peaceful Parenting revolves around connection, not punishment. Punishment creates a power struggle that breaks trust and erodes relationships. Instead of promoting support, it emphasizes obedience. When we establish supportive systems, both we and our children can learn more effectively. When punishment is employed, the original lesson often gets lost, particularly with strong-willed children, as their...
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Real World Peaceful Parenting Lisa Smith | Stop Punishing, Start Connecting

Ep #123: Stop Punishing, Start Connecting

Research has shown that the more you resort to punishment, the less likely your child will want to cooperate. The only way we can encourage change in our children is by building trust. Without trust, your child feels wronged, which leads to lashing out and long-term behavioral patterns. Raising emotionally grounded adults is a journey;...
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Real World Peaceful Parenting Lisa Smith | How to Course Correct Your Parenting Mindset

Ep #122: How to Course Correct Your Parenting Mindset

Do you find yourself thinking that you have to be on the lookout, believing the worst, or looking for an ulterior motive in your child’s actions? When we believe we are going to catch our children at their worst, that is what we train our brains to see. Encouraging our children to be seen, heard,...
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Real World Peaceful Parenting Lisa Smith | Why You’re the Best Authority on Your Family

Ep #121: Why You’re the Best Authority on Your Family

If you listen to me every week, you may be a person who cares a lot about being a “good” parent and seeks all the expert advice you can on parenting. You may also feel overwhelmed by all the information, advice, and parenting how-tos out there. While seeking out expert advice is good, I often...
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Real World Peaceful Parenting Lisa Smith | What to Do When the Co-parenting Feels Uneven

Ep #120: What to Do When the Co-Parenting Feels Uneven

A dynamic I talk about with many of you is when you do 80-90% of the work parenting in your household, while your co-parent does 10-20%. Usually this is a role that you’ve slipped into because it works for your family and your co-parent does most of the other heavy lifting. However, imagine you’re in...
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Real World Peaceful Parenting Lisa Smith | Discover the Power of Peaceful Parenting: What's Possible for Your Family?

Ep #119: Discover the Power of Peaceful Parenting: What’s Possible for Your Family?

What’s possible as a parent? As you know, 2023 is the year of upleveling our parenting. When we make small changes in our parenting, it can have a huge impact on us and how we connect with our kids. But what do the results look like when we implement these changes? Today I’m joined by...
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Real World Peaceful Parenting Lisa Smith | The Problem with Why!

Ep #118: The Problem with Why!

As parents, we can often find ourselves asking our children “why?” Why are they acting this way? Why do they always forget things? Why are they not listening? We think that what our kid is doing is the problem. If they just acted differently, we wouldn’t get so frustrated and dysregulated. In reality, we have...
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Real World Peaceful Parenting Lisa Smith | Triggered? Ask Yourself This Question

Ep #117: Triggered? Ask Yourself This Question

A lot of times when our kids do something that upsets us, we quickly jump to conclusions about what it might mean about them and how they feel about us. Often, this can result in us getting triggered and no longer parenting from a calm, empathetic place. One of the best things you can ask...
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