
Lisa's Blog

The latest insights and ponderings on issues facing modern parents and tips for finding peace.

Real World Peaceful Parenting with Lisa Smith | Become a Better Parent in 2022: Real-World Success Stories

Ep #58: Become a Better Parent in 2022: Real-World Success Stories

As we head further into 2022 and we focus on this year being the year of becoming a better parent, I wanted to show you what’s possible this week by sharing some success stories of parents who, just like you, are on the path to peaceful parenting using the mantra progress over perfection. These parents...
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Real World Peaceful Parenting with Lisa Smith | When a Storming Parent Meets a Storming Child

Ep #57: When a Storming Parent Meets a Storming Child

We’ve all experienced it. The moment that comes just after you’ve made an effort for your kid, and it is not met with any form of acknowledgment or appreciation. Sure, it’s not as if you’ve scaled an ice-covered mountain, but you feel you deserve to be acknowledged at least! So when it doesn’t happen, you...
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Real World Peaceful Parenting with Lisa Smith | What to Do When You Are Not on the Same Page as Your Co-Parent

Ep #56: What to Do When You Are Not on the Same Page as Your Co-Parent

Are you a co-parent on the path to peaceful parenting? Have you found that your fellow co-parent is not interested in changing their style, and it’s causing you pain and suffering? If you’re co-parenting with somebody and you’re not on the same page, you’ll want to tune in and take notes on this episode. What...
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Real World Peaceful Parenting with Lisa Smith | Connection Can Come from Setting Limits: Real World Coaching with Angela

Ep #55: Connection Can Come from Setting Limits: Real World Coaching with Angela

I love bringing you live coaching calls because they give you a real opportunity to see the work I do and how it unfolds, as well as the opportunity to hear the tools I teach in action. So this week, I’m bringing Angela onto the show and coaching her on setting limits with her child...
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Real World Peaceful Parenting with Lisa Smith | What Finding Nemo Can Teach Us About Parenting

Ep #54: What Finding Nemo Can Teach Us About Parenting

When your child is storming, it can feel heavy and murky, like you’re trying to swim through a tumultuous, choppy ocean. It feels stressful, raging, and difficult to stay afloat, and it’s impossible to see what lies beneath the surface. But when you get past the surface and scuba dive down, what you find is...
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