

Lisa Smith
Real World Peaceful Parenting with Lisa Smith | Grandparenting Strong-Willed Kids: An Interview with Gail Sundell
September 12th is Grandparents’ Day here in the U.S. and what better way to celebrate and honor grandparents worldwide than to have a grandparent on the show this week?! Today’s guest is a wonderful grandparent to three strong-willed kids and joins me to share her experience of supporting both her daughter and grandchildren when they...
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Real World Peaceful Parenting with Lisa Smith | Whaaatteeeverrrrrr!
What is one thing your kids say or do that drives you absolutely bananas? Is it the eye roll? The sass? A particular word or phrase? For me, it was when my son would tell me ‘whatever!’ When my son told me ‘whatever!’ I would be filled with anger, frustration and felt like he didn’t respect...
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Real World Peaceful Parenting with Lisa Smith | Teaching Your Kids to Use Technology with Troomi
I receive questions on a daily basis about kids and technology. How much time should I allow my kids to spend using technology? When is it appropriate? How do I introduce it? So, I have the perfect guest for you this week, somebody who has a passion for helping parents protect their kids from inappropriate...
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Real World Peaceful Parenting with Lisa Smith | Procrastinating Kids: Real World Coaching with Dani
If you’ve been listening for a while, you’ll know that I do my best to bring you tips, ideas, and support that helps you create deep connection and cooperation with your kids. While reading and listening is information, but coaching is transformation. So, this week, I’m taking things to a whole new level and bringing...
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Real World Peaceful Parenting with Lisa Smith | Setting Limits: Stop Punishing and Start Guiding Part 2
Last week, we started this two-part series off by talking about how children need safety and support to grow, and how to coach them into learning the lesson and not punish them into obedience. This week, we’re continuing the conversation by going through some specific examples of how to do this. Setting limits is never...
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Real World Peaceful Parenting with Lisa Smith | Setting Limits: Stop Punishing and Start Guiding Part 1
When your child does something wrong, how do you react? Do you believe they are disrespectful, never listen, and should know better? Do you lose your temper and end up yelling, restricting, and punishing? No judgment here – it’s exactly what I used to do. But punishing from a place of anger can erode the...
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Real World Peaceful Parenting with Lisa Smith | Walk Back into the Classroom with Confidence with Aimee Buckley
As our children head back to the classroom, parents, teachers, and kids alike are experiencing a range of emotions. With the last two years being so different, it’s little wonder we might be feeling apprehensive. So, I thought now would be the perfect time to bring today’s guest to the show to share some insight...
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Real World Peaceful Parenting with Lisa Smith | 3 Ways to Become a Great Sports Parent with 4D Athletes
If you know me at all, you’ll know that the topic of kids and sports is one of my favorite topics, so I’m super jacked about the guests I’m interviewing on the podcast this week. I am joined by two amazing men, mentors, coaches, and dads, Jim Huber and Jason Holzer. Jim and Jason are...
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Real World Peaceful Parenting with Lisa Smith | The 3 Steps to Keep Your Cool While Parenting
Let’s keep it real – we all get triggered at times by our kids. We experience big, angry emotions that result in us losing our cool and creating more drama for ourselves. You might try to stuff them down or make them go away, or even pretend they don’t exist, but this doesn’t help on your peaceful...
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Real World Peaceful Parenting with Lisa Smith | My Biggest Parenting Epiphany
As a parent, it sometimes feels as though we are raising ourselves right alongside our kids. When we watch our kids at a certain age, we are reflecting, consciously or subconsciously, on the experiences we had at that age. I used to try to give my son everything I didn’t have as a child, but...
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