Are you already feeling the anxiety of summer and too much free time on your kid’s hands? Is the lack of structure creating tension in your home? I wanted to share with you another message I received from my one of my clients. From my client: Lisa, I’m at my wits end…and it’s only the...Read More
I wanted to share this word for word exchange I had with one of my clients in a private Facebook Group. I guarantee you can apply this advice to a situation in your life. ***Read all the way to the bottom to see how her son quickly changed… Posted by Sue @ 4:53pm on Saturday...Read More
Growing up I remember there was a lot of anger in my house. All the adults seemed to be angry all the time and often it felt like it was directed at me, although I had no idea why. Many of us deal with anger based on the patterns that were set forth for us...Read More
If you know me at all you know I am a person of action. I like to make things better. I like to offer suggestions, solve problems and create change. And this action based problem solving personality is not always my best friend when it comes to parenting. Let me give you an example… My...Read More
There was a moment in time, not long ago, that I had a massive parenting epiphany. It dawned on me that I was giving my son what I needed…not what he needed. I was unconsciously looking to fulfill my own childhood needs and tend to my own injuries through him, rather than taking an honest...Read More
My 12 year old son has a new favorite word…yep you guessed it, “Whatever!” Let me state it correctly—“Whaaateeevveerrrr!” He has been saying it for about 2 months now and I must admit, at first, I was really triggered by this. Triggered is when you negatively react to an event/activity because you are making it...Read More
In my last email, I introduced you to the growth mindset. If you recall, growth mindset kids (and parents) believe the goal is to learn at all times, at all costs. Said another way, growth mindset people believe success, and therefore a positive self-image, are achieved by learning thru growth and effort. On the other...Read More
When it comes to parenting most of us don’t always feel like we know exactly what we are doing. And parenting is something we all want to be great at! And if you are like I used to be, there are times it feels like you are doing it all wrong. This can be a...Read More
I recently came across a concept that was so blow-your-mind-good I HAD to share. According to Carol Dweck Ph.D., an author & Stanford professor, most of us walk around with either a “fixed” or “growth” mindset. Dweck writes, “People with fixed mindset believe talents and abilities are inborn and carved in stone. Growth mindset people...Read More
Take a moment to fill in the blank…honestly I want my child to be ________! Maybe more calm? More gentle? More assertive? Less emotional? More creative? My instagram post ( today says… You cannot expect to raise calm and gentle kids, if you are not! (Author unknown) A friend recently shared this wisdom with me....Read More