
Lisa's Blog

The latest insights and ponderings on issues facing modern parents and tips for finding peace.


I want my kid to be more ______________!

Take a moment to fill in the blank… honestly I want my child to be ________! Maybe more calm? More gentle? More assertive? Less emotional? More creative? One of my instagram posts says… You cannot expect to raise calm and gentle kids, if you are not! (Author unknown)   A friend recently shared this wisdom...
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4 tips for helping your kids feel their feelings

4 tips for helping your kids feel their feelings

A couple years ago, I remember my then 11-year-old boy woke up on the wrong side of the bed. He was very unhappy with everyone, and at everything (including me). I couldn’t do anything right. My mere existence irritated him. We drove to school in silence. When we got there, he continued to look unhappy...
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Do THIS if you want to say goodbye to mom guilt!

A friend of mine posted this on her Facebook page… “I totally screwed up as a mom this morning and the mom guilt is killing me. The pressure of a constantly traveling husband, an upcoming move, and other everyday stuff was building and I didn’t notice how bad it had become. I should have known...
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screen time child iPhone

‘Can’t I just finish this level, mom?’

My son, Malcolm, had more screen time over the holidays than usual. Your kids too? This isn’t shared as some sort of guilty confession. It’s just the truth of it. It’s not unusual. There are not the same number of commitments, and there’s all that time at home together. The usual time on the gaming...
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He/She Shouldn’t Want That! (Holiday Triggers)

In one of my recent Peaceful Parenting Academy course classes, I shared a story about the son of a client who kept asking for shoes. He had eight pairs of shoes in his wardrobe, and he kept asking for shoes. They would be in the store, and he would beg his mom to get him...
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