

The exact methods and step-by-step strategies Lisa used to transform from an angry, controlling mom into a calm, confident, and connected leader in her home.

Real World Peaceful Parenting Lisa Smith | How to Course Correct Your Parenting Mindset

Ep #122: How to Course Correct Your Parenting Mindset

Do you find yourself thinking that you have to be on the lookout, believing the worst, or looking for an ulterior motive in your child’s actions? When we believe we are going to catch our children at their worst, that is what we train our brains to see. Encouraging our children to be seen, heard,...
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Real World Peaceful Parenting Lisa Smith | Why You’re the Best Authority on Your Family

Ep #121: Why You’re the Best Authority on Your Family

If you listen to me every week, you may be a person who cares a lot about being a “good” parent and seeks all the expert advice you can on parenting. You may also feel overwhelmed by all the information, advice, and parenting how-tos out there. While seeking out expert advice is good, I often...
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Real World Peaceful Parenting Lisa Smith | What to Do When the Co-parenting Feels Uneven

Ep #120: What to Do When the Co-Parenting Feels Uneven

A dynamic I talk about with many of you is when you do 80-90% of the work parenting in your household, while your co-parent does 10-20%. Usually this is a role that you’ve slipped into because it works for your family and your co-parent does most of the other heavy lifting. However, imagine you’re in...
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Real World Peaceful Parenting Lisa Smith | Discover the Power of Peaceful Parenting: What's Possible for Your Family?

Ep #119: Discover the Power of Peaceful Parenting: What’s Possible for Your Family?

What’s possible as a parent? As you know, 2023 is the year of upleveling our parenting. When we make small changes in our parenting, it can have a huge impact on us and how we connect with our kids. But what do the results look like when we implement these changes? Today I’m joined by...
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Real World Peaceful Parenting Lisa Smith | The Problem with Why!

Ep #118: The Problem with Why!

As parents, we can often find ourselves asking our children “why?” Why are they acting this way? Why do they always forget things? Why are they not listening? We think that what our kid is doing is the problem. If they just acted differently, we wouldn’t get so frustrated and dysregulated. In reality, we have...
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Real World Peaceful Parenting Lisa Smith | Triggered? Ask Yourself This Question

Ep #117: Triggered? Ask Yourself This Question

A lot of times when our kids do something that upsets us, we quickly jump to conclusions about what it might mean about them and how they feel about us. Often, this can result in us getting triggered and no longer parenting from a calm, empathetic place. One of the best things you can ask...
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Real World Peaceful Parenting Lisa Smith | When Your Kid Won’t Take “No” for an Answer

Ep #116: When Your Kid Won’t Take “No” for an Answer

One of the most frustrating situations in parenting is when your kid just won’t take “no” for an answer. Most of the time, our instinct is to explain back to them why we set a particular boundary and try to make them understand our reasoning. Usually, this situation triggers us and we end up storming...
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Real World Peaceful Parenting Lisa Smith | Triggered? Here's How to Stay Neutral

Ep #115: Triggered? Here’s How to Stay Neutral

What’s something your child does that triggers you? Maybe it’s sneaking sweets or doing something they knew was wrong because a friend encouraged them to. Usually, the behaviors that trigger us the most are the ones that make us fear for our child’s future and the kind of adult they’ll become. Unfortunately, when we go...
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Real World Peaceful Parenting Lisa Smith | The Power of the Pause

Ep #114: The Power of the Pause

One of the most powerful tools you can implement as a parent is the pause. Although it might seem small, just pausing during your parenting allows you to do so much. It allows you to not judge your kids’ behavior or beat yourself up about the situation. Most importantly, it allows you to access your...
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Real World Peaceful Parenting Lisa Smith | How We Project Our Childhood Wounds onto Our Kids

Ep #113: How We Project Our Childhood Wounds Onto Our Kids

The number one most important task in parenting is modeling. Our kids are natural sponges that repeat what they see in us. While this can be a great tool as a parent, it can also feel like a curse. One of the hardest parts of parenting is when your child mirrors back to you the...
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Real World Peaceful Parenting Lisa Smith | Creating Your Parental Job Description

Ep #112: Creating Your Parental Job Description

Many of us consider our identity to be directly linked to what we do, the roles we play, or what we have done in the past. When the things that we do change, either by will or by circumstances out of our control, we often feel lost. We struggle to shed the old identity and...
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Real World Peaceful Parenting Lisa Smith | Why Sometimes Our Own Parents Need Boundaries

Ep #111: Why Sometimes Our Own Parents Need Boundaries

Many of you are parenting in a very different way than the way you were parented. And when your parents or in-laws don’t agree with your parenting, they can feel invited to weigh in and share their unwanted, unwarranted opinion. It leaves many of us doing what we’ve always done: comply, avoid, placate, and enable...
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