

The exact methods and step-by-step strategies Lisa used to transform from an angry, controlling mom into a calm, confident, and connected leader in her home.

Real World Peaceful Parenting | It’s a Process Problem, Not a Character Problem

Ep #74: It’s a Process Problem, Not a Character Problem

Most of what we know about parenting was modeled to us during a very impressionable time as our brains were growing and forming strong neural pathways. It has left many of us feeling like we’re bad parents, and that it’s just who we are. If you feel broken, flawed, or like a bad parent, I...
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Real World Peaceful Parenting | Empathize, Not Internalize

Ep #73: Empathize, Not Internalize

It is said that love is not a “giving of” it is an “entering into,” and the way we often try to enter into love with our children is to empathize. But our children are not necessarily looking for someone to relate to them, they are looking for somebody to actively listen to them. It...
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Real World Peaceful Parenting | Calm the Chaos, Create Connection: Success Story Hannah

Ep #72: Calm the Chaos, Create Connection: A Real-World Success Story with Hannah

Today I’m taking you on a journey to help you see what’s possible for you, your parenting, and your family. I’m introducing you to Hive member Hannah, who has made incredible progress when it comes to taking what her children do or say personally. Hannah is a mother of three kids under the age of...
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Real World Peaceful Parenting | Small Changes, Big Impact: Success Story Tricia

Ep #71: Small Changes, Big Impact: A Real-World Success Story with Tricia

Every week, so many of you are listening to the podcast and taking what you are learning and implementing it into your life bit by bit. And this week’s guest is the perfect example of how these small, consistent actions can have a huge impact on your journey to peaceful parenting. I love sharing with...
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Real World Peaceful Parenting | New Way to Look at Respect Parenting

Ep #70: A New Way to Look at Respect and Parenting

I often hear parents tell me that one of their greatest goals in life is to raise respectful children. They believe that their children should obey them and do exactly what they tell them to do when they tell them to do it, with no pushback, attitude, or questions. But is that what “respectful” really...
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Real World Peaceful Parenting | How Stop Rescuing Your Kids from Their Big Emotions

Ep #69: How to Stop Rescuing Your Kids from Their Big Emotions

When we see our children struggling, there is an impulse for us to swoop in and rescue their big emotions. It is a natural response to want to rescue the humans we care about, especially if we know or can see the solution, and we find ourselves wanting to fix the situation for them. So...
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Real World Peaceful Parenting with Lisa Smith | A Different Way to Look at Unconditional Love

Ep #68: A Different Way to Look at Unconditional Love

Does your kid do something over and over that really pushes your buttons? Have you ever snapped at your kid, yelled, or gotten really mad at them, without understanding why? Do you sometimes find yourself disproportionally upset or mad at something your kid does or says? As parents, sometimes we find ourselves mad or triggered...
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Real World Peaceful Parenting with Lisa Smith | Bridging the Gap Between Parenting Styles: Real World Coaching with Tricia

Ep #67: Bridging the Gap Between Parenting Styles: Real World Coaching with Tricia

We have all been brought up with different parenting styles. Maybe your parents were permissive, maybe they were dominant, or maybe they were peaceful. But what happens when you and your co-parent come from different parenting backgrounds and it results in you both having different opinions on how to parent your children? Tricia is a...
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Real World Peaceful Parenting with Lisa Smith | An Invitation to Calm the Chaos in Your Co-parenting

Ep #66: An Invitation to Calm the Chaos in Your Co-Parenting

Do you ever feel like things are out of control in your house? Are you on a completely different page than your co-parent and feel like you are doing all the work and getting very little support from them? You are not alone. There are so many other parents struggling with these issues, and you...
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Real World Peaceful Parenting with Lisa Smith | Are You an “And” or an “Or” Parent?

Ep #65: Are You an “And” or an “Or” Parent?

How often do you have all or nothing thoughts like “I’m getting it right or I’m messing it up,” “I’m a good parent or a bad parent,” or “I’m right, or they’re right?” Parenting doesn’t have to be an and/or situation; we don’t have to choose. Real-world peaceful parenting is about synchronicity. So many people...
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Real World Peaceful Parenting with Lisa Smith | Getting Back on Track: Real World Coaching with Kate

Ep #64: Getting Back on Track: Real World Coaching with Kate

Do you ever feel like you’re really grasping this whole peaceful parenting thing, and then before you know it something happens that knocks you off course? Maybe your routine is disrupted or you are experiencing some unexpected circumstances in your life. Whatever it is, it can be difficult to get back on track, which is...
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Real World Peaceful Parenting with Lisa Smith | Help! My Partner is Lazy

Ep #63: Help! My Partner is Lazy

How often do you think that your partner is lazy? They come home from work and choose to sit and watch Netflix instead of helping you with everything that needs to be done. You don’t have the luxury of checking out when you’re overwhelmed, so why do they get to? My brain loves to catalogue...
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